
Wednesday, May 23, 2018

What's New This Week


  • SVG Export
    • Simple shapes with a stroke will now be represented as a single shape
    • Outline Text and Simplify Stroke export options will now only appear when they are relevant
  • You can now search for components in the Team Library by their descriptions


  • Editing a gradient while in vector edit mode would disable all selection on the canvas. We fixed this so going into gradient edit mode will now correctly leave vector edit mode.
  • In some rare situations, you could create a component that contained another master component. We now do a better job preventing this from happening.
  • If you have a file with updated and outdated instances from your team library, we would not show you an update prompt for the outdated instances. We fixed this so you can now always update outdated instances.
  • Updates to nested instances would not look correct in prototypes. Now, when you accept updates from your team library, your prototypes will always match your designs.
  • Fixed a bug where resetting our onboarding would not automatically close the help menu